How Technology Keeps Workers Safe

how technology keeps workers safe

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In today’s world, the impact of technology is being felt throughout the workplace. Often people think about it as a tool to enhance productivity and communication, however, technology has a much greater impact.

Around the world and on a daily basis, accidents occur. Every day, businesses look for ways to reduce these occurrences. They want workers to feel safe and comfortable when they come into work.

In pure black and white terms, accidents impact productivity. By focusing on accident prevention, companies not only look after the health of their employees, but also the bottom line.

Companies have been using new technologies to increase security in the workplace. Technology can be used to reduce accidents through product enhancements, like airbags and seat belts. It can also be used to keep workers safe.

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Real-time Data Technology

Real-time data technology has become a great ally for employers to keep their workers safe. Real-time data refers to information that is shared as soon as it’s received. This means that users do not have to wait and the information they need is available almost immediately.

A great example of real-time data is mobile phones and apps. An example of this is a mapping application that is able to provide you with traffic alerts and hazards.

When it comes to security and safety, real-time data allows businesses to check the status of equipment. This includes how it was used and any maintenance conducted or planned. Companies can check how equipment is performing and also understand environmental factors that might be at play.

Real-time data technology allows workers to be safe while they are working. These tools improve communication between employers and workers. Remote workers also benefit from this technology. Through improved communication, staff outside the office can be kept apprised of any possible issues.

Health & Safety Inspection Software/Apps

Smartphones, tablets, and the apps that run on them have arrived and they are here to stay. They have revolutionized the way we communicate and improved productivity across many industries including an industrial safety inspection. They provide useful information in a fast and intuitive way, simply by touching a screen.

Almost all apps collect information. This can be a manual job, but there’s space for human error. In the health and safety field, this could lead to serious problems.

Real-time data helps ensure that information is shared in a timely manner. For it to be truly effective, the apps need to have certain features. These are some features that any software for safety inspections must have:

Interactive templates:

This is a pretty important feature for any inspection software/app. They have to adapt to each field of the company. Some apps even have the option to let inspectors build a guide before the inspection. These templates will allow for reporting dangerous situations and incidents.

Preventative maintenance:

To paraphrase an old adage – prevention is better (and cheaper) than the cure. This especially applies to equipment maintenance. Apps can provide information on regular maintenance conducted, as well as any issues discovered. They can also help identify issues that might have occurred at other sites, which could impact operations.

Detailed reports:

Planning requires the ability to review historical information. This is where reports come into play. Reports allow businesses to understand what has worked and what has not.

A report should provide information in a clear and easy to understand manner. It should also be customizable so that companies can look for targeted information that is applicable to their needs.

Reports should provide organizations with a snapshot of what is currently happening and also guidance on trends. Trends help businesses plan for the future.

A good app needs to offer all of these options. Employee safety depends on it.

Man controlling device via his smartwatch

Wearables & Virtual Technology

However, a more comprehensive definition is that a wearable is something you “wear on your body”. This includes clothing and shoes with temperature sensors, and glasses that can record and send security video to centralized servers. Even bracelets and rings that provide access to systems are considered a wearable.

Many people fear the use of technology in companies. They think they will replace the manual work, but it isn’t like that.

Wearables improve workers’ productivity. Also, they help employers to keep their workers safe. These are the most common ways a wearable can help in this field, almost all through sensors:


The sensors of any wearable can detect danger in the environment. They can prevent a risk factor like toxins, pollution or a change of temperature.

Emergency stop:

The use of many wearables is to keep you communicated. They can also inform any heavy machinery worker about a sudden stop due to an emergency.

Body movement:

These sensors can identify activities that may lead to a lower back injury.


Almost all wearables can collect real-time data. This will keep the staff informed about the situation in the workplace. This is a great tool for remote workers safety.

Wearables currently are restricted to items people carry with them. However, technology continues to evolve and companies are actively looking at embeddable microchips for the future.

Virtual Technology:

While wearables are great for tracking, monitoring, and access, virtual technology has a different focus. With virtual technology, it is possible to train employees in high-risk environments quickly and easily.

This is critical in disaster recovery situations where you cannot take services offline for extended periods of time. By running through different scenarios, employees will know how to act in case of an emergency.


Technology is here to make our lives easier. It is a great tool to improve your workers’ security and reduce incidents. Field Eagle is the customized enterprise solution your organization needs.

Field Eagle is an inspection software that offers companies real-time communication with field inspectors. It also provides flexibility and transparency while ensuring regulatory standards are complied with. Field Eagle gives managers all the tools they need to ensure that equipment is maintained correctly.

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