What is a Risk Based Inspection?

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Risk-based inspection (RBI) is the process of developing an inspection plan based on knowledge of the probability of equipment failure and its consequences.  Risk Based Inspection involves the ranking of site-acceptable risk levels and operating limits.  Assessed risk levels are used to develop a prioritized inspection plan.  Inspections of this nature can be qualitative (items are reported in descriptive values and are discrete in nature, such as smoothness, color, “ok”, or “not ok”), quantitative (when data is measured and reported in numerical values and are continuous in nature, such as temperature, diameter, or length) or semi-quantitative (has some qualitative measurements).

Risk Based Inspections are common in engineering, particularly in the Oil and Gas industries.  Assets for which RBIs are valuable include storage tanks, onshore pipelines and structures, and power generation components such as steam turbines, gas turbines, and heat recovery steam generators.

With RBI software, a Punch List (a Punch List is a compendium of all inspection items that failed an inspection) is generated during or after an inspection which lists the criticality levels of the items inspected so that management can make informed decisions for actions.


A Punch List report identifies criticality levels during a Risk Based Inspection

Risk Based Inspection Benefits

  • Use inspection resources more cost-effectively
  • Better visibility into the health of your critical assets
  • Reduce risk of failures
  • Improve the reliability of the equipment
  • Identification of operational risks associated with equipment degradation
  • Ensure compliance with environment and safety regulations
  • Ability to plan maintenance activities and avoid unplanned shutdowns

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