What Safety Managers Need to Know about Posting Signs at Work

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The safety manager is the person in charge of ensuring that all work done in a facility meets mandated safety standards. This is a role that’s taken on increased importance as companies have come to realize that nothing costs a business more than employee downtime due to avoidable injury.

The days when employees could skip safety meetings or ignore ‌posted precautionary notices are over. Employees need to take the initiative in ensuring that all work within the shop goes smoothly by attending meetings or passing courses; however, it’s not a bad idea to remind them with simple signage.

Some are Mandatory

There are a lot of rules and regulations when it comes to signs. It’s important to understand that local or federal governments mandate many safety signs.

Some of these mandatory policies include signs to enforce wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) or using a full face shield when using dangerous machinery. The right signage will also reduce the number of slips and falls that could occur in wet or slippery areas.

It’s essential to clearly understand your company’s safety policy when choosing which signs to post. Keep in mind that your signage should preempt possible accidents.

safety signs optional

Helpful Reminders

While it is important to have mandatory signs, there are also plenty of other types. For example, if you’re working with employees and want them to be reminded of how they should behave when near customers or clients, simple signage reminders can really help!

Posting the correct signage will make it easier for workers to understand their specific responsibilities and duties on site. Some other simple signs can include reminding employees about the location of garbage bins, smoking areas, building exits, and bathrooms.

It’s also helpful to keep in mind that some signs are more visible than others. Consider using safety signs with bright colors, especially if you’re posting them at critical locations.

Location is Important

When it comes to safety, the location of your signs can make all the difference. Your sign should be in a place where everyone can see it, and preferably at the closest possible point to the hazard or potential hazard. A hidden or hard-to-see sign may as well not be up at all.

Items to keep in mind while posting a sign include:

  • Don’t assume that employees will notice your signs from their normal work areas. Post them near or on machines, equipment, or areas where you know people congregate.
  • Make sure signs are readable from multiple angles. If no one can read your signs because they’re blocked by something else, they won’t do much good.
  • When you post any type of sign – whether it’s mandatory or general information – make sure that everyone understands what it means. You don’t want people thinking that a “Wet Floor” sign means it’s okay to wear their muddy boots through the warehouse or manufacturing area.

Think about where a sign needs to go up, and don’t just place it in the first blank space available. If the message you’re trying to get across isn’t clear, employees won’t know what you want them to do, which can lead to huge fines or injury.

safety signs mandatory sign

Avoid Mixed Messages

You know that safety is your main responsibility, right? All signs should be easy to read and find in areas that make sense. For example, if you want to post a No Smoking sign near an employee break room, make sure to post signs stating where smoking is allowed. If the rules are inconsistent, employees will either get frustrated or will become confused about what they can and can’t do at work.

Employee Education

Having clear signs is great, but if your employees aren’t educated on what they mean. Take some time to explain what each type of signage means in order If you’re not 100% sure whether something needs to be posted as mandatory or general information, err on the side of caution. Always consider your signage based on its impact on employee health and safety. If you have questions, your safety manager should be able to help.

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