Technology Advances Inspection Management

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The bottom line today is about efficiency and that’s a direct result of technology. When most businesses spend a fraction of the amount of time on paperwork and other administrative duties thanks to technology, it is a small wonder why this same kind of efficiency hasn’t been translated into the inspection management world. Yet when we look a bit closer at the cause and effect, it’s not so difficult to understand. The bottom line is that many of software developments for inspection management have been superficial at best.

However, Field Eagle has taken the interests of inspection management seriously and have developed a software application that brings inspection management into the twenty-first century and allows these inspectors to take advantage of all that technology has to offer.

Streamlining the entire process

The word ‘streamline’ is about as overused and overdone as ‘efficiency’ when it comes to modern business practices. After all, what do these words really mean? To different businesses they mean strikingly different things. To the world of inspection management, they mean getting the job done faster and more accurately than ever before, without the hassle of spending hours simply trying to add data into spreadsheets and pull all of the necessary files into one place.

The new software applications that have been developed recently allow inspection management to provide better and, more importantly, more accurate service to its clients. When a field inspector heads out for an assignment, he or she may use all of the tools that modern technology has to offer, or he or she may still use the traditional tools. Either way, they do assessments, perhaps take measurements, and snap some pictures for their client’s file. When all that legwork is completed, however, their job is only just beginning. They must then go back to their office and manually re-enter this information into their computer system, spreadsheet, or other program, download the pictures and organize them appropriately, and all other files and data that is pertinent to their inspection.

If that sounds old fashioned, it’s because it is. That’s why the Field Eagle software application for inspection management is so critical to modern businesses. It advances the entire process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency at every turn. When inspection management is your priority, you want technology to be on your side and that’s what this application can do for you.

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