Gradually, COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted in various parts of the world. In Canada, most provinces deemed mining operations “as essential”. Now is the time to ensure that current risk systems are adequate across your organization. An important question that mining executives and board of directors should be asking is “How do we maintain the safety of our own people?”
MiningWatch Canada states that thousands of positive cases of COVID-19 were identified within one mining convention and 61 mines that were included in the report. The mining industry plays an important role in Canada’s economic recovery. Governments and regulatory bodies recognize this simple fact and have put in place measures and proposals to put health and safety as everyone’s main priority.
Health and Safety Initiatives in the Mining Industry
COVID-19 Testing and Screening
Regular testing and screening for all employees provide an additional level of protection against the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Three types of tests are available on the global market which includes polymerase chain reaction (PCR), antibody detection, and antigen detection. The Mining Association of Canada (resource no longer available) – has created a resource dedicated to testing practices and advice on how to manage the risk of COVID-19 at mine sites. Now more than ever, companies need to have a response plan put in place to mitigate risks in each site.
Physical Distancing
Where possible, employees can work remotely to implement physical distancing measures. Meeting the government’s requirements can help ensure the safety of your workers. From cafeterias to break rooms, reducing the seats available, or scheduling each department accordingly, these are simple steps that companies should be taking during these unprecedented times. Even splitting into smaller groups and working on different rotations should be implemented within your organization.
Organizations are now in the restarting phase and are currently adjusting their hygiene protocols. Provide a checklist for your employees to ensure regular cleaning and disinfection procedures are being followed. Ensure that increased cleaning at all sites and offices are enforced. Regular testing of site cleanliness and hygiene standards also need to be established as part of your preventative measures.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn properly and other respiratory protective equipment (RPE). These tools should be well-stocked and ready for each employee to use. Implement hygiene protocols to ensure that these types of equipment are properly laundered or disposed of.
Work-at-home options for non-essentials staff should be made available. To help the prevention of COVID-19, travel questionnaires need to verify that your employees have properly self-isolated and practiced physical distancing before returning to the site.
Employee travel history should be included as part of your screening process. Site restrictions need to be verified for visitors, employees, and contractors with domestic and international travel history, and contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases. Daily self-monitoring forms should also be made available. It is a two-week checklist that supports the assessment of symptoms for your employees.
Monitoring and Managing Wellness
Prevention and Containment
By following the recommended measures provided by the World Health Organization, this will help the prevention and containment of COVID-19 in your organization. Enhanced screening, promoting physical distancing, and compliance with public health instructions mandated by regulatory bodies will ensure your employees’ health and safety.
Education and Awareness
From posters to videos and other media, make sure that these resources are available to your workers. Help raise awareness to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by any means. It’s important to run these campaigns within your communities and employees to prevent transmission.
Technology to Improve Health and Safety
With COVID-19 disrupting operations across all industries, the importance of health and safety in the workplace is key to running a successful enterprise. From detailed data collection to digital inspection templates and checklists that are fully customizable, you can properly ensure that health and safety protocols are being followed by your employees. Regulatory compliance is essential and Field Eagle is the health and safety inspection software that will help automate your processes accurately and efficiently. Try our 15-day free trial today.