The construction industry is very large, and there are millions of people working on different construction sites on a daily basis.
While any workplace can be considered dangerous, construction sites, in particular, are known to have a higher workplace fatality rate and the following are the most common problems worksites face:
Distracted Employees
This is a very serious problem for any job in any industry but is especially dangerous in the field of construction, as it can lead to serious injuries. Employees need to focus on the immediate task at hand; otherwise, you may face grave consequences as a result of the many hazards in this type of setting.
Distractions of any kind are problematic, so whether it’s taking a quick look at your phone or participating in conversations with fellow employees, you can end up in a dangerous incident or face an injury, both of which are completely avoidable if employees focus on their assigned task.
Mixing Trades
Some managers feel that the work will be completed faster if there are more people working on the job site, so they will schedule multiple trades to work on a single site, and this is common whenever crews are rushing to complete a project. While this may sound like a good idea, in theory, it’s actually very problematic because it can lead to stress and distractions, so there should never be a high concentration of workers in one area. In addition to safety issues, this idea will also reduce the overall quality of work, so it should be avoided.
Unqualified Workers
Only qualified construction workers should be on-site because skill and knowledge are required. Employers must educate their staff and hire qualified professionals to create a safe work environment and ensure every contractor is reputable. This will provide everyone with peace of mind.
Safety must be prioritized, and poor safety habits should never be accepted as they can put everyone at risk.
Lack of Proper Tools and Equipment
Those in the construction industry need to invest in the right tools, and the proper equipment must be on-site so that the project can be completed safely and successfully. A worker should never start a project unless they have all of the required tools and safety equipment because this can lead to an accident.
Resistance to Change
Workers cannot assume that every worksite is the same and should be open to change. New employees and very experienced workers may be resistant to change because they may like their habits and how they’ve worked in previous sites. Still, change is good if it increases safety standards, so everyone needs to be on the same page.
How Field Eagle can help
Safety management is extremely important, and Field Eagle is a software company that specializes in this aspect. Our safety inspection software will help your construction site run smoothly, and our preventative maintenance software will help prevent accidents, so contact us or fill out the form below to find out how Field Eagle can help today!