Digitizing Inspection Results

digitizing inspection results

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Using software to conduct inspections has many benefits, but if you’re still delivering the results manually, you’re not taking full advantage of digitization. Shipping digitized inspection results to clients can save time and ensure accuracy.

There are a few ways to get digitized inspection results to clients:

  1. Use a secure file-sharing service: This is a good option if you have sensitive data that you need to keep secure.
  2. Send results via email: This is a quick and easy way to get results to clients, but be aware that some email providers have strict file size limits that could prevent large files from being sent.
  3. Use an online portal: Many software platforms offer online portals

Some of the benefits of digitizing inspection results include:

Matching the Speed and Accuracy of the Inspection

Inspection software helps to make the inspection process faster and more accurate. There is no need to worry about losing or confusing physical paperwork because everything is stored safely and securely in the software.

Digitizing inspection results also makes it easy to share results with other team members, such as contractors or engineers. Having everyone on the same page can help ensure that any required work is done quickly and efficiently.

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Provide Transparency for your Clients

If you have to take all the results, put them on a piece of paper and ship them, then you’re still relying on an old method to get them to the client’s hands. This has several benefits:

  • You can deliver the results faster since there’s no need to print and ship them.
  • The client can access the results from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection.
  • You can include additional information, such as photos, that wouldn’t be possible to include with a paper report.
  • It’s easier to make changes if the client requests them.

When delivering information, share it through lots of different formats. That way you can make sure that your clients receive the information in the way they prefer. Giving clients the information they need in a format that is simple to understand helps to build trust and confidence in your business.

Faster Delivery of Results

When you use software to perform inspections, you can often deliver results to your clients much faster than if you were using paper reports. This is because files can be sent worldwide almost instantaneously, rather than waiting for postal delivery.

This is especially beneficial if your clients are based in different countries or time zones, as they can receive their inspection results quickly, no matter where they are. It’s also useful if you need to get results to your client urgently – for example, if they are waiting on the results of an inspection before making a decision.

In addition to the initial delivery of results, any client questions can be responded to quickly and easily, as there is no need to wait for paper documents to be sent back and forth. This can help to build trust with clients, as they feel assured that their questions are being dealt with promptly.

By using digital technologies, communications and results can be delivered and actioned much faster, making the inspection process more efficient for everyone involved.

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Faster Sign-off on Completed Inspections

Finally, a significant advantage of digitizing inspection results is the speed with which they can be signed off. With faster and more transparent results, inspections can be signed off on quicker, making for higher closing rates on projects, and freeing up resources for other projects and inspections.

Digital technologies have transformed how we live and work, which is undoubtedly true in the case of construction inspections. With so many clear benefits, it’s no wonder that many construction companies are switching to digital. From improving accuracy to saving time and money, digitizing inspection results is a smart move for any construction business.

Field Eagle is the best tool to digitize your inspections, and to deliver results. Our client portal makes it easy for your clients to see the inspection progress, and our customization makes it easy to fit any industry you need. Fill out the form below or contact us to request a demo today!

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