How to Stand Out in a Legacy Industry

stand out in a legacy industry

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We currently live in a world where legacy companies rule our business market. The publishing, automobile, construction, manufacturing, and oil and gas industry all could be considered legacy industries.

What are Legacy Industries?

Legacy industries are those that have been around for a long time. These industries dominate a specific market and have not always had a positive approach to innovative ideas. They are very different from the more innovative digital industries that are popular in the news.

One example that everyone can recognize is electric vehicles (EVs). For decades, fossil fuels have been a primary source of fuel to run our automobiles. Many major car brands sell petrol or diesel-powered vehicles. In recent years, the introduction of electric vehicles (EVs) have drastically changed the automotive market.

Another example is that of the internet and publishing companies. Once, newspapers were the only source of truth for many of us. We depended on these publications for our news and entertainment. The advent of the internet has significantly impacted this industry and many hallowed publications are now no more.


The manufacturing industry is massive. How would one business stand apart from thousands of businesses? In previous years, before machinery and automation, the manufacturing process was completed by hand. The responsibilities associated with this job included designing, production, and QA.

These duties were managed by skilled tradespeople because there were no computers to oversee each task. Only the most skilled workers could perform certain tasks, which decreased production time and kept demand high. Today, with connectivity through the internet at our fingertips, the situation is different. The segmentation of the various components of manufacturing and the customization of the labour flow is easier.

Manufacturing organizations can benefit from regular inspections and audits. These services ensure that equipment is working efficiently and those operations are correctly coordinated across sites. By understanding what and why equipment fails in one site, companies can account for the impact. In addition, regularly scheduled audits, help with equipment ROI.

The manufacturing industry has undergone a major upgrade with the addition of robotic systems. These have contributed to:

  • Reducing labour costs,
  • human error, and
  • the lag time between steps in the assembly process.

For a new start-up to stand out in this industry, the primary trait that’s essential is reliability and quality. Customers have a choice from around the world for their manufacturing needs. If a company wants to achieve growth, they need to offer a higher level of service and improved efficiency.

vintage construction photo


Construction in prehistoric times consisted of mud huts and stone monoliths that resemble Stonehenge. The tools used in these times were animal bones, copper plates, and axes. As time progressed, construction practices were refined, and humans started building more permanent structures.

The first examples of these large-scale permanent structures are the Egyptian pyramids. As urbanization took over and the population grew, construction quickly became a staple of civilization.

With the first industrial revolution, the situation changed. Inventors improved manufacturing processes, and America began to mass-produce steel. Steel is a low-cost material that is still used in construction today. The availability of inexpensive steel paved a path for a wide range of construction possibilities, such as bridges, railroads, and skyscrapers.

Standing out in the construction industry involves having the right tools and processes.

Software can help with integrated templates and guidance ensuring that companies comply with local regulations. Software also helps automate and schedule regular tasks across sites.

vintage oilgas photo

Oil and Gas

Throughout world history, oil and gas have played a vital role. The modern oil and gas industry was born in the late 19th century. Standard oil dominated the first two decades of this industry.

As the industry became more global, other markets in Europe, Russia, and Asia began to play a greater role. Industry giants such as Shell, Royal Dutch, and British Petroleum emerged.

Oil and gas fields are often in high-risk areas. It’s important to ensure that you use tools that can stand up to the rigours of these environments. SIn addition, any equipment needs to be inspected regularly. Maintenance calendars should be used rigorously to keep equipment in the best condition possible.

Becoming a thought leader is the first step towards standing out in the oil and gas industry. Producing and sharing valuable content helps in boosting the company’s stature. The more value you provide to the oil and gas community and the industry itself, the more valuable you will be.

The Importance of Standing Out

We exist in a world that expects and appreciates individual differences in behaviour and appearance. Refining our individuality is the perfect way to perceive distinct differences. The difference between failure and success in today’s overcrowded marketplace is planning and communication.

Software tools used correctly can help enable this communication. They can ensure that inspectors in the field know what to look for. In addition, senior staff and auditors can be informed about issues in real-time. This helps them understand problems and concerns so they can plan appropriately.

Communication is what makes a business stand apart from the competition. You may have an excellent product or service, but you are not guaranteed to win. tIn fact, you could have a solid business plan and still only win half the battle.

You also need dedicated skilled employees. If you don’t take the time to figure out how to stand out, you lose.

If a company does not tell its own story, someone else will create it. Trusted and familiar brands get customers. They understand how to be unique in an industry where everyone is selling the same thing.

The Benefits of a Customized Enterprise Solution

A custom enterprise solution is:

  • A solution designed and customized for the business’ needs
  • Customized and designed by professionals that help the company grow individually within the industry

When it comes to legacy industries, customized solutions ensure that organizations work efficiently and well. Each business is different and in some ways unique. This applies regardless of the industry as tools and processes change and grow over time.

Customized solutions help incorporate those unique features into a cohesive whole. They help ensure that businesses do not need to continually reinvent themselves.


How does an emerging company distinguish itself from its competitors? The answer is the distinction. As business leaders in any industry, it’s essential to focus on what makes your business different.

Field Eagle has many different benefits for businesses:

  • It allows companies to incorporate changing regulations quickly and easily.
  • It provides real-time communication between field inspectors and head office staff.
  • It offers easily customizable templates that ensure inspectors review all of the key areas.
  • It enables management teams to understand trends across sites and different assets.

Field Eagle is able to help and is a leader in the digital inspection management field for many high-risk markets. This leadership has led to an understanding of the customization and integration needs businesses require.

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